Chinese Fellowship

团契活动和圣经教导的对象是讲中文的朋友。我们团契存在的目的是:遵守神最大的戒命–爱 (马太福音 22:37-40), 承担神的大使命 (马太福音 28:19-20)

Fellowship and teaching for Chinese speakers. Our Mission is to: Obey the greatest commandment – Love (Matthew 22:37-40) and thus fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

Weekly Bible Study

We meet weekly on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm, in Room 235. We are studying the Book of John. There will be bible study, sharing, praying, and fellowship time during the meeting. We welcome all brothers, sisters, and seekers to join us.


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Mon-Fri 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun closed