English for Speakers of Other Languages

Village ESOL offers language classes to engage and connect the multicultural groups in our community. As one of the most diverse areas in the state, Washington County is home to immigrants, refugees, temporary professionals, migrant workers, spouses of visiting scholars and many more. All are welcome at Village ESOL to practice English and share their cultures. Our vision is dedicated to active outreach through educational activities focused on language development and cultural understanding. These activities help learners and volunteers realize their God-given potential as uniquely gifted individuals.

Group Classes

ESOL Classes are postponed until January 2025
We offer ESOL classes in five levels of English – basic through high intermediate. The classes meet in person at Village Church. We offer all five levels of English available Tuesday/Thursday afternoons 12:30-2pm. We require all new students to take a placement test before registering. The next term of Village ESOL will begin in January 2025.

• Registration – $25 each term
• Textbook – $35
• Childcare (ages 0-3) – $25 per child each term

individual tutoring

The student and the tutor determine the schedule for the tutoring sessions and whether the sessions will be online or in-person. Please note, there is often a waiting list of students.

• Registration – free (September-May)

conversation practice

This is conversation class for intermediate-level students and above, offering a chance to practice conversational English in a creative environment.

• Registration – free (2 month period)

그룹 수업

ESOL Classes are postponed until January 2025
초급부터 중급까지 영어5단계로 구성된 수준별ESOL 수업을 제공합니다. 수업은 빌리지 교회에서 대면수업으로 진행됩니다. 화요일과 목요일 오후 12:30~2시까지 5단계의 영어 수업을 제공하며, 유아돌봄 서비스도 제공됩니다. 화요일과 목요일 저녁 수업의 시간은 아직 정해지지 않았습니다. 모든 신입생 분들께서는 등록 전에 배치 시험을 치러야 합니다.

• 등록비- 매 학기 $25
• 교재- $35
• 유아돌봄(0세에서3세)-매학기 유아 한명당 $25

개별 개인지도

학생과 튜터는 개별 개인지도 세션의 일정과 온라인 또는 대면 수업 여부를 결정합니다. 대기자가 많다는 점을 주지해주시기 바랍니다.

• 등록비-무료(9월에서 5월)

회화 연습

중급 이상의 학생을 위한 이 회화 수업은 창의적인 환경에서 영어 회화를 연습할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

• 등록비- 무료(2개월간)

Clases grupales

ESOL Classes are postponed until January 2025
Ofrecemos clases de ESOL en cinco niveles de inglés - desde básico hasta intermedio alto. Las clases se realizan presenciales en Village Church. Ofrecemos los cinco niveles de Inglés disponibles martes / jueves por la tarde de 12:30-2pm. Requerimos que todos los nuevos estudiantes hagan una prueba de nivel antes de inscribirse.

• Inscripción - $25 cada trimestre
• Libro de texto - $35
• Cuidado de niños (edades 0-3) - $25 por niño cada trimestre.

Tutoría individual

El estudiante y el tutor determinan el horario de las sesiones de tutoría y si las sesiones serán en línea o en persona. Tenga en cuenta que a menudo hay una lista de espera de estudiantes.

• Inscripción - gratuita (septiembre-mayo)

Práctica de conversación

Esta clase de conversación para estudiantes de nivel intermedio y superior ofrece la oportunidad de practicar inglés conversacional en un entorno creativo.

• Inscripción - gratuita (período de 2 meses)


ESOL Classes are postponed until January 2025

• 登録費:$25.00 / 毎学期
• 教材費:$35.00
• チャイルドケア:$25.00/人/学期


生徒とTutor間でスケジュール及びオンライン、対面式の詳細を決めていきます。Waiting Listが出来る可能性が多くあります。

• 登録―費用(9月〜5月)



• 登録―費用(2ヶ月間)


ESOL Classes are postponed until January 2025
我们提供从基础到中高级五个级别的ESOL英语课程。上课地点:乡村教会 。我们为周二/周四下午12:30-2:00上课的学员提供托儿服务。

•  注册费 - 每学期$25
• 教材费 - $35
• 托儿费(0-3岁)--每个孩子每学期$25



• 注册 - 免费(九月至五月)



• 按这里: 注册会话课程

فصول المجموعة

ESOL Classes are postponed until January 2025


نحن نقدم دروس ESOL في خمسة مستويات من اللغة الإنجليزية - من الأساسي إلى المتوسط العالي. تلتقي الفصول شخصيا في كنيسة القرية. نحن نقدم جميع مستويات اللغة الإنجليزية الخمسة مع رعاية الأطفال المتاحة الثلاثاء / الخميس بعد الظهر 12: 30-2 مساء. أمسيات الثلاثاء / الخميس ، الوقت يحدد لاحقا ، تقدم فقط المستويين A و B ، لا رعاية الأطفال. نطلب من جميع الطلاب الجدد إجراء اختبار تحديد المستوى قبل التسجيل.



التسجيل - 25 دولارا لكل فصل دراسي

كتاب مدرسي - 35 دولارا

رعاية الأطفال (الأعمار 0-3) - 25 دولارا لكل طفل في كل فصل دراسي


الدروس الخصوصية الفردية

يحدد الطالب والمعلم الجدول الزمني لجلسات التدريس وما إذا كانت الجلسات ستكون عبر الإنترنت أو شخصيا. يرجى ملاحظة أنه غالبا ما تكون هناك قائمة انتظار للطلاب.



التسجيل - مجاني (سبتمبر - مايو)

ممارسة المحادثة

يوفر فصل المحادثة هذا لطلاب المستوى المتوسط وما فوق فرصة لممارسة اللغة الإنجليزية للمحادثة في بيئة إبداعية.


التسجيل - مجاني (فترة 2 شهر)


Village ESOL provides volunteers with opportunities to “Live the Gospel” as we serve neighbors who want to focus on improving their English language skills. Please consider joining our team! There are a variety of ways you can participate, including opportunities if you don’t want to be a teacher:
  • Hospitality: Serve by making our students (all of them are adults) feel welcome and comfortable.
  • Childcare Helper: Assists our regular nursery staff in caring for young children, thus allowing parents to attend ESOL classes.
  • Classroom Assistant: Assists the classroom lead teacher to organize the classroom, assist with handouts, and offer one-on-one help to students who might need extra attention.
  • Lead Teacher: Organizes teaching material, plans lessons, and leads group activities. Our curriculum is professionally developed and is accompanied by a large array of teacher helps both printed and online. No teaching experience is required – we will train you.
  • Tutor: Helps non-native English-speakers improve their English language skills primarily through conversation practice. No teaching experience is required.
Village ESOL provides volunteers with opportunities to “Live the Gospel” as we serve neighbors who want to focus on improving their English language skills. Please consider joining our team! There are a variety of ways you can participate, including opportunities if you don’t want to be a teacher:


330 SW Murray Blvd 
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 503-643-6511

church Office

Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm
Fri 9am-12pm
Sat-Sun closed

Worship Center

Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm
Fri & Sat closed
Sun 8am-1:30pm

Village Café

Mon-Fri 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun closed